Tuesday, November 4, 2008

House Investigation 10.18.2008

House Investigation 10.13.2008
On October 28th the members of DAPI performed an investigation in which a person had died. One of the reports we received from the owners is of someone walking in the upstairs hallway. We set up a Sony Hi8 video camcorder that has infrared lighting capabilities that enable us to film with little or no light. When we reviewed the video we found that we caught an orb that comes out of the stair way. It moves down, and as it reaches the bottom front of the dresser that is sitting on the left side of the hall, it turns to the right heading away from the camera and goes up about a foot. It then picks up speed as it enters the bedroom on the left. You can view the video from that night Here
Watch closely. Best to watch in full screen mode.

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