Wednesday, February 25, 2009

West Chester PA House Investigation

DAPI was contacted to investigate a house in West Chester PA. The house is over 100 years old and at least one of the previous owners died in the house. The claims of activity were the owners would hear their toddler son talking to some one, when asked who he was talking to the toddler replied “The Man”. He has been heard on several occasions talking to “The Man”. Other reports of activity is the bathroom exhaust fan would turn off and on by itself. The attic door would open by itself. We arrived at the home Friday night the 13th. Because the house was small and we are a large group we decided to do the investigation in shifts. This would help keep the sounds from other investigators to a minimum and makes it less likely to end up with tainted EVP evidence. The house was empty so this made set up a snap. We went through the house getting base EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) readings. All rooms were between .1 and .3, nothing really high. After all readings we recorded we set up the IR (Infrared) camera in one of the bedrooms that the toddler held most of his discussions with “The Man”. We then began conducting EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) sessions. We got several good EVP’s. EVP1 , EVP2, EVP3, EVP4, EVP5 .

We also got lots of Orb pictures. Too many to post all of them. Here is a sampling. Orb1, Orb2

We also cought an orb on video. Notice the tail that trails off from the back of the orb. Video


Anonymous said...

Hey Kath & Chuck! Cool EVP's and Orbs! But they are better in my house!! Come anytime!!

Downingtown Area Paranormal Investigators said...

We would love to come to your place. Are you located locallly?